TA1 – Definition

addresses legal, technical and conceptual definitions relevant to Virtual Museums. A common understanding and language is needed in order to have a fundamental basis and reach common standards; modernize the legal framework; promote re-use; identify research and innovation needs; and obtain complementary investments. Above all, sound and effective policy discussion needs to be founded on solid common understandings.

TA2 – Directions

identifies and assesses emerging technical issues, innovations and tools which can improve the ‘digital encounter’ and help establish the main technical ‘pipelines’ for Virtual Museums different, adapted ways to bridge the physical and the digital world depending on the user location.

TA3 – Documentation

focuses on emerging and future documentation needs such as those in data modelling, semantics and data acquisition.

TA4 – Dimensions

addresses the need for Virtual Museums to focus on cutting edge 3D and VR/AR technology.

TA5 – Demand

looks at ways in which VM can support the economic and social development of the Cultural Heritage sector by capitalising on developments such as the growth of the VR/AR market and identifying key drivers of demand across all sectors.

TA6 – Discovery

improves understanding of new ways of taking into account the state-of the-art in cloud computing, smart technologies and big data management in order to enable discovery for Virtual Museums of European digital content which was previously inaccessible, buried among huge amounts of data and/or not sufficiently tagged with adequate metadata.

TA7 – Decisions

provides a practical step-by-step process and pathways for the design of sustainable strategies and new Virtual Museums, made available through this platform for the community of cultural heritage managers and policy makers

State of the Art
Cases and Examples
Vimms Activities
Technology / Science / Methodology

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