The concept
Develop an coherent and effective decision making process for the design, implementation and operation of Digital Heritage projects, in order to improve effectiveness, sustainability and maximize the cultural and the socioeconomic added value of the cultural assets.
Advantages and opportunities offered to the Digital Heritage Community by the ViMM Decision Making Tool
- Structure your Digital Heritage project in a standardized way, aiming at achieving a higher added value and an effective use of your resources (financial and human), sustainability and success.
- Create strategies in your organization for the involvement of the relevant internal and external stakeholders, personnel and decision makers
- Set up a sustainable operational business plan and adapt timely your operation
The DMT of ViMM assists you:
- Identify knowhow and information available from best practice projects, but also from lessons learned by inadequate decisions made, in each stage of your project, through the information provided in the relevant ViMM platform posts by the Digital Heritage Community and other resources interlinked.
- Identify experts that could provide you links, networking, and professional advice concerning the decisions you have to make in each stage (adequate technology for your cultural assets following your objectives, business plan and operation requirements/adaptations, possible resources etc).
The 4 stages decision making process
Stage 1: Idea / concept creation
Stage 2: Design, study, planning
Stage 3: Implementation of the DH project
Stage 4: Operation (maintenance, evaluation, extension, update, study of the impact in the institution and the economy /society)
In each stage have been identified:
A.The stakeholders (internal and eternal) involved, persons and institutions: directors, managers, curators, personnel, technology providers,, application and operation designers, business plan developers, public authorities, stakeholders of other sectors (tourism, education, businesses etc).
B.The challenges and the decisions to be made in order to proceed to the next stage and allocate resources in various fields: main objectives, cultural assets selection, technology selection, business and operational plan elaboration, evaluation and internal and eternal impact measurement.
C.The adequate level of maturity to be achieved and the resources required.
- The detailed scheme of decisions, stakeholders, and challenges in each stage is available in ViMM platform specific part.
- The tool provides the possibility to the registered members of the platform to link their personal profiles expertise and to precise points of the process, in order for the other users to access on-line useful information or get in touch with experts of the community for the precise issue, for advice and collaboration.