WG 6.1 – Flowchart of the digitalization process– Terms of Reference
Scope and Objectives
The Discovery Thematic Area has taken a broader look at Virtual museums, looking into digitisation as a process.
Together with WG 6.1 the TA worked on a flowchart for digitisation processes. This flowchart demonstrated the single actions and showed the accompanying considerations for each action. This flowchart was published on the ViMM-platform.
WG6.1 had the following scope and objectives:
- To create a state of the art of methods for digitalization of tangible and intangible assets used for Cultural Heritage content
- To propose an efficient digitisation pipeline for tangible and intangible CH assets, using existing available tools and technologies. A precise flowchart will be generated and published on the ViMM platform.
- To create sequential processing for CH assets. It includes the digitisation of practical examples.
To achieve this, we created and assessed (items on) a list concerning four topics. These were:
- Tangible digitisation method
- Intangible digitisation method
- Formats, architectures, data structure
- Efficient flowchart for digitisation process
The outcome of this work included:
A list of best practices and state of the art examples of structure, architecture, formats, user interaction and technologies used in 3D data digitisation. It also included an analysis of said practices and examples.
Working Group members:
Professor Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann – MIRALab / University of Geneva, Switzerland
Professor Frank Boochs – Hochschule Mainz / University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Lisa Chen – Pix4D / spinoff of EPFL, Switzerland