A very interesting and simple installation takes advantage of the Roman underground rectangular corridors, in the middle of the important greco roman archeological site of Empuries – Neapolis, in a touristic area of Costa brava, Catalonia, Spain.
A simple set of various constituent projectors leads the visitors coming underground through an almost hidden entrance, as in the antiquity, in the 3D reconstructed house of a Roman rich citizen of the time.
Story telling combined with good graphics music and inspiring environment create a confortable and smooth experience. Simple and robust is beautiful, and innovative when it is taking advantage of the emotional charge and feeling of the archaeological site itself. Combined with adecquate on-line resources and documentation (http://patrimoni.gencat.cat/en/collection/empuries).
See the videos bellow.
Empúries , Catalonia, Spain virtual visit of a Roman house part I
Empúries , Catalonia, Spain virtual visit of a Roman house part II
Empúries , Catalonia, Spain virtual visit of a Roman house part III