iPRES is the premier international conference on the preservation and long term management of digital materials. The 16th International Conference on Digital Preservation will be held on September 16-20, 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The conference will bring together scientists, students, researchers, archivists, librarians, providers, and other experts to share recent developments and innovative projects in a wide variety of topics in digital preservation from strategy to implementation, and from international and local initiatives. Year on year the debate and research profiled at iPRES have moved digital preservation from a technology driven niche specialism of experts to a global challenge with the community to match.
The iPRES 2019 Programme Committee seeks contributions that tell stories about building bridges between organizations in different domains and bridging knowledge gaps. These contributions enable individuals from all backgrounds and agencies of all sizes to participate in the global preservation conversation. Contributions serve the community and help implement solutions and overcome barriers to the effective curation of digital assets, works and collections. iPRES aims to be an inclusive global forum and seeks proposals from all sectors, specialisms, geographies and communities.
Proposals for long and short papers, panels, posters, demonstrations, workshops, tutorials and hackathon sessions are due by 18 March. All submissions and presentations should be in English. Important dates see here.
For questions with regards to the conference program, please contact: programmecommittee@ipres2019.org
For questions regarding program and content of the conference please contact:
Barbara Sierman
Organizing and Program Vice-Chair iPRES 2019
+31 (0) 70 314 01 09
Source https://ipres2019.org/