Mnemosyne European Research Area Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage Cyprus University of Technology / Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου
The Digital Heritage Research Lab at CUT at Cyprus University of Technology / Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου has been awarded a 5-year grant under the #EU #Horizon2020 Widening Programme (ERA Chairs) to establish a Chair in #DigitalCulturalHeritage, with work beginning in January 2019. The Chair will strengthen the research excellence of Digital Heritage Research Lab at CUT and create improved capability to compete successfully for funding within a framework of institutional reform. The Director of DHRLab currently holds the Unesco_DCH.
The Chair will create a holistic framework for DCH by carrying out a wide range of collaborative and multidisciplinary research needed within an overall construct of advanced documentation, maximising the benefits of the application of digital technologies to #CulturalHeritage in areas including: data acquisition, data processing, modelling, knowledge management/interpretation, preservation, use and re-use, in order to meet the needs of existing and potential users and thereby to increase the social and economic value of DCH.
Expressions of interest are invited for the following posts, based in #LImassol #Cyprus, which will be recruited on a basis of open and transparent competition. Attractive remuneration packages are available:
1) ERA Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage
Responsible to the Director of Digital Heritage Research Lab at CUT, the expert will hold the position of full Professor and will be open to all #EU and non-EU nationals matching the profile of an “Established Researcher (R3)” or “Leading Researcher (R4)” as set out in the European Framework for Research Careers . Responsibilities will include the design and implementation of multi-phase programme of research, creation and management of a research team including three experienced post-doctoral Research Associates, six PhD candidates and a Communications Officer.
2) Research Associates
Three other positions, are available for post-doctoral researchers at “Recognised Researcher (R2)” level or above. These posts will each lead and deliver a research cluster with the Chair’s research programme and will manage a supporting group of PhD candidates to support the work.
Expressions of Interest will be provided with further information and should be sent to
Marinos Ioannides
Director, Digital Heritage Research Lab at CUT
Cyprus University of Technology / Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου
or contact us