ArtPassport is a free app, developed by GalleriesNow and brings you the best art exhibitions from the world’s leading galleries and museums. It offers anyone, anywhere, access to high resolution images and 360 degree panoramic views of contemporary art from the world’s leading galleries and art museums.

The deceptively simple app presents a regularly updated feed of exhibitions with panoramas, images of individual works, descriptive texts on the artists and visitor information. Users can zoom in on art they are interested in and press a Virtual Reality icon to use a Google Cardboard headset for a more immersive experience.

Conceived by two galerist; they want to bring the art exhibitions into peoples living rooms.

“So many art exhibitions are around the town, we make the app for u to see them all through goggles. We want to bring down the walls.”

Brilliant example of how a single commercial app could be brought into the museum arena.

Here are some examples. 

Source: GalleriesNow