EUCEMET project and AR
Among some of the most interesting and, somehow, ignored and unknown heritages of the EU territory and its citizens are their monumental or significant cemeteries, witnesses of the European socio-cultural diversity, History and artistic movements.
Burials ceremonies and traditions have existed, since the prehistoric period and societies; necropolis of archaeological interest are still being discovered in our days; and some of the most visited and renowned heritage sites worldwide are in fact monuments linked to the death, funerary ceremonies and/or trip to the so called “Next World”…
In Europe, through their structure (architecture, sculptures and mausoleums, green areas, churches, etc.) many significant cemeteries are a clear demonstration of the artistic evolution of the continent, mostly between the Romanticism and Modernism (19th and 20th Centuries). Their buildings – often made of a wide range of materials, from local stones to marble and iron to bronze -, have involved some of the most important sculptors and architects, and often served to “immortalised” the life, death and achievements of local citizens. In fact, the different experts on such issues do not talk about “tombs”, but about “monuments”, and some cemeteries have even reached international recognitions.
European Cemeteries also reminds us facts of our recent History (Epidemics, Grande Famine, Revolutions, World Wars, Civil Wars, etc.), and are a clear demonstration of our cultural and religious diversity and capacity of integration (intercultural dialogue).
About the project
A special Augmented Reality browser was developed within EUCEMET project.
This mobile app provides additional information on the screen as a user walks around. So, helping a user to get somewhere and learn something on the way was the main reason why ARtour mobile app was born and created.
Findings from the project
Within the EUCEMET project the partners consortium has discovered that mobile guides are at the beginning of their development path. Although there are so many mobile solutions out there, we still have so much more to offer to the users.
There are many small technical issues like Augmented reality usability or GPS and compass accuracy that impact the overall usability of such apps. On the other hand, users are not really in favor of holding their mobile devices in hands all the time and looking at the screens while walking around.
These are the issues they have researched – they wanted to find the best solutions for mobile guiding in cemeteries. And 2 years later, their concept Learn By Moving was born.
ARtour mobile app
Today, after several alterations and updates, ARtour is a mobile guide app with Augmented Reality, dynamic maps, smart notifications and many other features. It offers functions such as: planning personal trips online, working with a team on Field Research Projects, showing the guides in websites, etc. Yes, it is an overwhelming platform with so many more amazing features. If you are interested, simply sign in and start Learning by moving.