2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Digitization of Cultural Heritage
The 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Digitization of Cultural Heritage (CH) – Euromed2017 – welcomes us in Volos, Greece, from 1st to 3rd of December 2017.
The Conference encourages the participation of scientists, researchers and students from disciplines such as:
Archeology, History, Geology, Biology, Anthropology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Cultural Informatics, Polytechnic Departments (Mechanical Engineers, Civil Engineers, Architects, Engineers Materials etc.), Departments of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art, Graphic Arts, etc.,
as well as executive staff from:
relevant National Ministries (Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, Tourism), Departments of Antiquities, CIPA, ICOMOS Greece and ICOMOS Cyprus, Museums, Department of National Archives, public and private libraries, the Greek Church and other churches, monasteries, National (and International) Federations, Associations of Scientists, Association of Greek Conservators, Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, Association of Archaeologists, Association of Architects etc., Design Companies, agencies of National and European Programs and Projects, Non-Governmental Organizations and others.
The purpose of the conference is the exchange of know-how and experience among experts in the field of research, study, recording, preservation, digitization and promotion of cultural heritage and the discussion on current and upcoming developments in this field, both in Greece and worldwide.
The need calls for a joint participation of scientists, researchers, professionals, policy makers and authorities at a national and international level in order to organize a nationwide effort for preserving Greek CH. This need rises from the very nature of the Digitization of cultural wealth, which is inherently an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary process.
Therefore, the ultimate purpose of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Digital Heritage – Euromed2017, is to bring together as many carriers with different backgrounds to achieve the highest level of mutual collaboration and understanding of the needs and requirements of this process.
Language of the Conference: Greek
Visit: http://euromed2017.eu/
University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
Important Dates
- 30 September 2017: submission of abstracts – Papers & Posters.
- 30 October 2017: submission of Full Papers.
- 20 November 2017: submission of final texts and announcement of conference’s final program.
It should be noted that the Panhellenic Conferences on CH Digitization, are in collaboration with the Euromed International Conferences (Limassol – Cyprus): www.euromed2012.eu, www.euromed2014.eu, www.euromed2016.eu, which have been recognized worldwide and organized since 2004 by the Digital Cultural Heritage Lab of the Cyprus University of Technology, in close cooperation with all Greek scientists and researchers. Therefore, they constitute regular milestones in the never-ending journey of discovery of new knowledge about our common history, and ways of protection and preservation of CH for future generations.