1.Scope and Objectives
This working group focused on Gamification elements that will be integrated to the VMs. Gamification elements have the potential to motivate visitors to further research and explore the VM. Serious games are considered an ideal example of learning through gaming process capable of presenting educational content with a different approach. An important and really interesting question is how to make a VM amusing and sociable. Gamification can provide the necessary motivation elements that can achieve a more interesting and interactive VM.
WG4.3 had the following scope and objectives:
- Analyze the definition of the gamification and indicate the benefits of integrating gamification elements in Virtual Museums
- Provide potential game elements that Virtual Museums could have to enrich the user experience and motivate to users to further explore the VM
- Provide an overview on new mechanics/dynamics and components with possible potential in VMs
- Analyze the gamification elements – Mechanics, Dynamics and Components and how they change through different realities
To achieve this, the WG created and assessed a list concerning the topics:
- Gamification elements in VR/AR
- User experience
The outcome of this work included:
- A state of the art for gamification and gamification elements: Mechanics, Dynamics and Components in VR and AR. This state of the art was published on the VIMM platform
Working Group members:
Nils Huebner, ARDictive
Stella Syllaiou, Hellenic Open University
Florian Niebling, University of Würzburg
Fotis Liarokapis, Masaryk University
Pantelis Volonakis, University of Aegean
Petros Daras, CERTH