Scope and Objectives

This Working Group of ViMM worked on a typology of virtual entities (e.g. virtual exhibition/ digital exhibition, virtual visitor, hologram, virtual reconstructions, 3D object, etc.). This typology resulted in a set of definitions outlining the differences of virtual entities. (Working Group 1.2 worked on relating standards (of which the virtual entities analysed in this WG are part), drawing on cross-WG collaboration.

WG 3.1 collected and analysed types of virtual entities. Discussion sessions helpe to develop descriptive definitions for these types of virtual entities. Desk research and online research on virtual cultural heritage were of high importance during this phase of the process. In collaboration with TA1 concepts and definitions were cross-checked.

WG 3.1 produced agreed-upon concepts and definitions for the relevant virtual entities identified. If necessary, the types of virtual entities and their specific definitions were grouped according to areas of application. All findings underwent a final evaluation process. Experts in the field held a concluding discussion session, in order to produce refined results. All outputs of the WG were made available on the ViMM platform.


  • Define groups of virtual entities according to the topic of application.
  • Analyse and describe types of virtual entities.


A set of definitions on types of virtual entities (in accordance with outputs of ViMM Thematic Area 1) for publication on the ViMM platform

Working Group members:

  • Wietske van den Heuvel, DEN, The Netherlands
  • Krisztian Fonyodi, Szepmüveszeti Muzeum, Hungary
  • Maria Teresa Natale, MCA, Italy
  • Maria Sliwinska, University of Torun, Poland
  • Trilce Navarrete, University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Cristian Ciurea, Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
  • Thomas Bremer, HTW-Berlin, Germany
  • Stefan Rohde-Enslin, SMB-PK, Germany
  • Arlene Peukert, SMB-PK, Germany